Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Dunk n Sleep

I penned down this dunking anthem @ my blog..here is a shot at it going by a suggestion to post it on the C blog. Hope you njoi reading it..

Cold summer evening brimmed with wet earth,
Swell the spirits to enthuse a sense of mirth.
Talking and laughing the crowd pulls along
Chanting for the fellow a happy birthday song.

Sleepy in the classes , Merry in the crowd…
Beating the rain I called names aloud
The inquisitive and carefree,the dull and the bubbly….
All in one walked down the alley.

The waters are set awaiting a tide,
Sway the fellow ,throw him
Then run back and hide.
All attempts go in vain the hunters pull you down
They swing and shoot you,Like an air borne clown.

Swollen spirits sing the jingle,
Once in the day its time to mingle
Talking and laughing the crowd pulls back
Encore is incumbent, another day and jack.

Long live the tradition...


Amit said...

Linked your original post on my Blog.

You should now put a tune to it along with the Band that we have ISB and put it on the radio !!!

abhi said...

hey Praks.....
I never knew you write melodies too...this was too good.

Unknown said...

It's just amazing....