Friday, April 27, 2007


Now that we have brought up the topic of infidelity, and I hope everyone read the complete article, for obvious reasons, maybe its also time to talk about the fidelity that we are expected to maintain in sections and study groups.

ISB has divided us into sections, sections you have to live with for all the 4 core terms, whether you like it or not. And it seems the competitive spirit that this division had generated during the orientation week, where all team/individual activities had section points, is being carried forward for the days to come. We have section workshops, to section parties, to study group meetings. People apprehensive of working in teams they did not even know a week back, are going out of their way to gel, to form that indefinable bond, which will last for life, or hopefully, at the very least, for the 4 core terms. The section chants reign supreme even now, as much a part of our vocabulary and everyday life, as “Hail Hitler” must have been in its own time.

Diversity, is the hallmark of the division, and we see groups with people from as varied backgrounds as architecture, media, hospitality, CA, engineering, entrepreneurial ventures, mining, shipping, and the list goes on. And to cater to every different interest, we have professional and social clubs. There is a mad rush to organize meetings, meet like minded people, and make all the varied opinions flow in some semblance. An uphill task with 400+ leaders, but lets see how good a job we all do on this one.

Back to studies now, as I debate where my loyalties should lie, to my old mates, the study group, the section…or to the dinner table…….

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